Saturday, 1 October 2011

October Challenge: knit a pair of socks

I can't believe October is here. September went so quickly & little Evie is over a month old. Though as everyone told me I can't imagine life without her, nor remember what I used to do with my time.

September's Challenge was to finish off some UFOS. I managed 2 of them - the sleeping bag & green booties, and have made my excuses for the blanket. I have no excuses for the cardigan - but I do plan to finish it. Maybe this weekend....

So, on to the challenge for October. I have 2. The first is to knit a pair of socks - or at least have one complete by the end of the month - as part of Socktoberfest. I have attempted socks before but didn't get very far and would like to see what all the fuss is about! I have bought my yarn ready & just need to find a pattern.

Pretty sock yarn
The second challenge takes place between the 10th & 17th October - the Kids Clothes Week Challenge. The aim being to spend 1 hour a day for a week making clothes for kids. There aren't really any rules. Clothes can be sewn, knitted or crocheted, upcycled - as long as you are doing something every day. I have no idea what I am going to do. I'm hoping to be inspired by everyone else once the challenge gets started, but I will have a look around this week to see if I can get some ideas so I can order or find the supplies I need. (Though this may be a great opportunity to try being thifty.)

I will also be working on my crochet blanket and have been commissioned to knit another sleeping bag. I guess I should probably look at finding ways to knit faster too....

If you are involved in Socktoberfest or KCWC11 let me know so I can see what you're up to.

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